Learn about the EU decision-making process and gain essential knowledge of the European institutions, EU mechanisms and key stakeholders.
Master the art of strategic insight – crucial element in effective EU decision-making process management through anticipatory skills, a better understanding of the process and skilful interest management.
Discover practical implementation strategies, including building networks, fostering collaboration and improving communication channels in the context of EU decision-making process.
Benefit from best practice based on case studies, explore role-building, collaboration with external stakeholders and effective tools for presenting solutions in EU decision-making scenarios.
Employees of public affairs/corporate communications departments of Polish and international companies operating or planning to operate in EU markets
Government employees and members of parliament involved in EU policy issues
Employees of law firms, public affairs agencies involved in servicing companies on the EU market
8:30 |
8:45 |
Programming of EU workload
Four EU programming processes, including the CWP (annual), the Council’s 18 months programme, rotating Presidency 6 month plans and European Council’s Strategic Agenda (5 years). Also: interinstitutional declaration on legislative priorities |
10:30 |
Coffee break
10:45 |
Co-decision in practice (1): negotiators and negotiating mandates
Council: presidency dynamics, choice of WP, GA preparation and trilogue negotiation mandate Parliament: choice of committee, of rapporteur and shadows, the role of CCC, the report and trilogue negotiation mandate |
12:30 |
Lunch break
14:00 |
Co-decision in practice (2): trilogues, final compromise and adoption
Parliament: 3 trialogue conditions, position of the Parliament and potential early second reading Council: agreement or change of the position (second reading), Council vote |
15:00 |
Coffee break
15:15 |
(3) Application of the law in practice and (4) Evaluation
Upon adoption, the law enters into force not later than 2 years (transposition of directives); the Commission in dialogue with stakeholders and governments; delegated and implementing acts; EP and implementation reports; external evaluation reports and review clauses. |
16:45 |
Wrap-up: special procedures, especially international agreements (if time allows), 2024 changes in rules of procedures
17:00 |
The End
Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców
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REGON: 142553074
KRS: 0000361844
Kontakt w sprawach merytorycznych:
Agata Boutanos
Dyrektor Przedstawicielstwa ZPP w UE
tel./fax: +32 477 079 426
mail: a.boutanos@zpp.net.pl